Almost everyone around you seems to be making money working online. Oh, and if you have any experience in managing PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising campaigns for clients, you can double whatever your current hourly SEO rate is. Businesses in competitive industries are quite happy to pay a freelance PPC consultant a lucrative monthly retainer to beat out their competitors.
You can get people to try it, you can ask for their opinion, you can improve on it, you can solve problems and answer questions… this very intimate level of community interaction can teach you a lot about not only the process of creating your product, but also the process of marketing that product to your target customers.
But instead of selling one-off packages, the software as a service (SaaS) model aims to capture the same kind of ongoing revenue as the recurring billing of membership SaaS, you host a software application on your server, generally charging a monthly fee for all the big options we’re looking at, this is the most expensive to launch due to the big investment required to create software in the first place, but it can also generate the most recurring and steady revenue.
When you have your audience and niche market defined, then through the advertising you run, the online blog that you write, and the podcasts and videos you create, you can be clear in whatever content you choose to put out and who you are communicating to with all of it.
As a result, the profit margins are incredibly low and don’t justify the time and money you’ll have to sink into the venture — especially when you consider the fact that people can just as easily find the same product on Amazon (and for much cheaper too).