Business Consulting continues this tradition of enduring client relationships by fostering non-transactional partnerships with the businesses we work with. And clients have a right to expect that all management consultants, whatever their specialty, are sensitive to human relationships and processes and skilled in improving the organization’s ability to solve future as well as present problems. Our consultants are frequently asked to facilitate a project team through the definition phase of an actual project.
Your customers expect you to provide personalized and pertinent experience at all times. Sometimes people think they need to hold their advice close to the chest, but in consulting, we want to give people a ton of value for free. OSRAM Business Consulting (OBCON) is the inhouse management consultancy of OSRAM within Corporate Strategy, based in Munich.
Or a new marketing strategy that makes great sense because of changes in the environment might flounder because of its unforeseen impact on production and scheduling. When the task requires a method outside the professional’s area of expertise, he or she may recommend other consultants or educational programs.
Dress like a management consultant, and people will think you deserve an offer. The business consulting services not only alert on the risks posed to the businesses from external environment but enlighten the top management on the inherent dangers from within the organization as well through regular reports from dashboards.
Benjamin has over 17 years experience in taxation consulting activities with the Big Four Firms. Our Business Consulting division provides organisations and senior executives with the tools to identify, plan and implement the projects that represent the greatest potential increase in value for their business.