The Role Of Internet In Business
As the importance of education is increasing, the popularity of MBA is also increasing. Either Full-Time or Part-Time, the MSBA program prepares students for successful careers in the burgeoning field of business analytics from business analysts, data analysts, marketing analysts, financial analysts, data base and data warehouse architects to data scientists.
MBA dual degree programs combine an MBA with others (such as an MS, MA, or a JD , etc.) to let students cut costs (dual programs usually cost less than pursuing 2 degrees separately), save time on education and to tailor the business education courses to their needs.
Last but certainly not least, the Master in Management (MIM) is a popular one-year master’s degree in business that is traditionally a practical step for current professionals or career changers seeking to enter managerial positions in the business world.
Transfer eligible college credits or, if you have an industry or professional certification, such as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license or a Society for Human Resource Management® Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP), you can apply to have relevant experience evaluated for potential college credit.
It is also important to note, however, that these programs often offer enough flexibility so that you can make choices to offset these differences, and in many cases make the degrees nearly indistinguishable in terms of curriculum or career outcomes.