Business Cards are small cards that provide information either about an individual or a company. Another idea for a blind embossed business card, this example may inspire you to create your own white-on-white messages. Most of our business cards require that your files have a 0.1″ bleed. Do this when: You already have your own design for your business card.
You can choose to create your own business card online or to let professionals design it for you. Not all business cards are created equal, however. Some sophisticated business cards even carry computer chips which enable you to plug it into your PC and download catalogs or company information.
This is a great option for anyone looking to print a large number of affordable business cards. The light brown paper stock works best with black ink, helping simple designs pop off the card. A standard business card template is rectangular with the logo at the top left corner and contact number and emails to the right.
Use our business card printing service and get next day delivery. Instead of a catalog business, it was now leveraging online technology for printing promotional products for customers. This fact applies equally well in the case of business cards. Think about how much more impressive it is to hand out a card, rather than to write your contact information on a napkin or scrap of paper.
Our 14 pt. C2S gloss cover stock is a high-quality cover stock featuring a glossy sheen on both sides – perfect for business cards with high resolution and sharp imagery. That printer might have bought a bulk stock for saving some money but haven’t considered much on card’s quality.