When you have a credit card it makes life a bit easier in many ways. Having the reputation of being more “exclusive” than other credit cards, American Express is still viewed as a company which offers “charge cards” – that is, cards which you can use to charge purchases but which require you to pay them back in full each month.
In the event of a conflict between or among these Terms of Use, another written agreement between you and us, and the MasterCard Standards, the following order of precedence shall apply: (i) the MasterCard Standards; (ii) your separate written agreement with us or additional terms and conditions; and (iii) these Terms of Use.
Qualifying criteria: (1) Be 18 years or over and have a regular income.(2) Be a permanent UK resident and have lived in the UK for the last 12 months (unless you are HM Armed Forces Personnel).(3) Have a current UK bank account and a mobile phone number.
In comparison to other prepaid credit cards VIABUY provides you with an online account that has a personal IBAN assigned to it. Use this IBAN to load your card free of charge – or let others send funds to your account, for example your employer, friends or relatives.
Not all credit cards do, but there are quite a few credit cards that come with fraud liability protection your card offers the protection, most of the fraudulent transactions that might happen on the card when it’s either lost or stolen will be covered.