Connecting Your Data, Systems & People

business intelligenceBusiness Intelligence (BI) is defined as the technological applications and the analytical processes that were used to estimate the position of an industry or a business in the market. With a BI program, It is possible for businesses to create reports with a single click thus saves lots of time and resources. This means the platform can be accessed widely, from the data pros in the C suite to the sales reps who need data analytics trend lines on the run.

Analytics, individual ad-hoc reports, and dashboards presented in real-time. In addition to BI managers, business intelligence teams generally include a mix of BI architects, BI developers, business analysts and data management professionals. Here, the modern technology brings a sigh of relief by introducing the pioneer of information storage i.e. Business Intelligence Analysis, which organizes our data in a systematic way and consolidates an efficient working environment.

At present, business intelligence systems and technologies require data to be adequately structured to preserve searchability and data assessment. Any company that features transport in its services or business process may want to geographic reporting to compare actual mileage to ideal distances.

Business intelligence is an umbrella term that includes the applications, people, infrastructure, tools and best practices that allow you to access and analyse information in order to improve and optimise decisions and performance. Companies such as PARIS Technologies have taken an approach to making Business Intelligence an easily integrated tool for other end-user tools such as Microsoft Excel, Access, Web browsers and other intelligence

Probably this is why it is often assumed in businesses starting their first Data Science or AI projects, that Data Science is the same old Business Intelligence that works much more cleverly. This enables them to get data and analytics in ‘real time’, which improves their daily operations and means they can react more quickly to a wider range of events.