Business News This Week
Founded in 1987, Business Weekly is the most influential Chinese business magazine, with an average weekly paid circulation of 147,339 audited by the ABC (Audit Bureau of Circulation) during January to June 2009. Gather your weekly sales reports and add the total sales. Sometimes the GAAP complexities and attributions shroud the true financial state of a company. To keep rolling the cash flow forecast forward, you can simply unhide the next column and hide the most distant actual week.
In the below example, I’ve included both recurring and one-time cash receipts, typical disbursements such as payroll and rent, as well as discretionary disbursements such as recruiters and key vendor payments. The business plan must acknowledge the potential for negative cash-flow and demonstrate how fixed and variable expenses will be met during that time.
A weekly report offers a number of benefits not only for the employee, but for the organization, as a whole, as it helps address expectations in the workplace and provides a comprehensive record of all efforts and contributions. Weekly status report does not have to contain too many details, just enough to make it informative to allow the management to have an overall picture of how the employee is performing.
This means that weeks including the 10th will have larger inflows, while other weeks with expenditures like rent and payroll can lead to major cash drains. Since Saturday and Sunday have accounted for ~27% and 26% of weekly sales, respectively, we project similar numbers into the future.
When you work day after day, week after week and you never take a break, it’s going to show in your attitude and the way you do business. Instead, focus on cold, hard cash: cash receipts, payments for inventory or services, cash interest payments, cash rent, mandatory debt principal repayments, etc.