An Easy Soap Business Plan
Plans that investors fund. To have one of these print sample business plans emailed to you, please call 412.281.7141 or email us Items listed in the Business Plans Handbook are available in print and online in the Gale Virtual Reference Library , which can be accessed from outside the library with a Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh library card.
Business plans can be really simple or really complex but they need to state what your business is, what you are doing, goals you have and how you plan to accomplish them, what marketing tools you will be using and a description of your target market.
Other alternatives that would create a liquidity event for the investors might include a buy back of the outstanding shares using cash on the Company’s balance sheet or through the exchange of the stock with long term capital provided by an institutional lender.
Strathcona County’s 2019-2022 Corporate Business Plan (3.0Â MB) , connects the dots between strategic goals and results articulated in the strategic plan , and the short- to medium-term operational goals and priorities, as described in department business plans.
In order to do so, these plans have to have the right combination of a strong, skilled management team, outstanding business model, excellent prospects for a high rate of return on the investment, and relatively low risk (in the sense that those things which commonly can lead to business failure have been anticipated, and minimized).