Halloween: Pet owners warned against dressing up animals

Your donations support our community programming, including our activities for the next generation of animal supporters. Support the Houston SPCA’s lifesaving programs and services by donating today. Pets News not traveling in cabin cannot travel to / through / from Phoenix , Tucson , Las Vegas or Palm Springs May 1 – September 30.

  • All USDA health requirementsOpens another site in a new window that may not meet accessibility guidelines.
  • Pets can give companionship to people who are living alone or elderly adults who do not have adequate social interaction with other people.
  • “This is a crisis in companion animal welfare for our nation, with real fears that animals will be abandoned on the streets to fend for themselves if they are considered a financial burden.”
  • You just have to kill them in an animal-friendly way.’ Since 1 July 2014, it is illegal in the Netherlands for owners to kill their own cats and dogs kept as pets.

Discover places open for travel , Opens another site in a new window that may not meet accessibility guidelines. Canada has specific import requirements in place to avoid introducing animal diseases to protect its people, plants and animals. Ultimately, when choosing a pet, be honest with yourself about the lifestyle you enjoy and the kind of pet you’d like to care for.

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Find out what you need before you travel with your pet or import an animal. Specific dog and cat breeds tend to shed less or you could opt for a pet that doesn’t shed at all, like an iguana or a snake . Do you live with small children or someone frail or disabled who could be knocked over by a large dog? Talk to other members of your household and agree on the qualities you want in a pet and those that you’d prefer to avoid. In the case of dogs, man’s best friend comes in countless breeds or mix of breeds, each offering a different blend of personality traits.


If you’re in doubt about caring for a larger animal, start small, get a fish or a smaller, caged animal. If you’re out for most of the day—and don’t intend to hire a pet sitter or use daycare—you’ll want an animal that doesn’t need a lot of attention, rather than a dog. Our mission is to provide empowering, evidence-based mental health content you can use to help yourself and your loved ones. When the pandemic began, Canberra Pet Rescue started a programme to provide struggling owners with pet food and other essentials. Britannica Quiz Unconventional Pets Quiz Would you have a pet with spines? What about one that can fit in your hand, but scares the kids next door?

Thus, pet animals gradually were included within dog shows. The first large show, which would host one thousand entries, took place in Chelsea in 1863. The Kennel Club was created in 1873 to ensure fairness and organization within dog shows. The development of the Stud Book by the Kennel Club defined policies, presented a national registry system of purebred dogs, and essentially institutionalized dog shows. Pets, especially dogs and cats, can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness, and even improve your cardiovascular health. Caring for an animal can help children grow up more secure and active.

Some animal shelters and rescue groups offer pet “rental” programs. Dogs and cats that are available for adoption can be taken out for walks or play dates. You can also foster an animal temporarily until a permanent home is found for him, or to decide if the animal is right for you. Even if you love animals, it’s important to understand everything that caring for a pet entails. Owning a pet is a major commitment that will last through the animal’s lifetime, perhaps 10 or 15 years in the case of dogs. And at the end of that commitment, you’ll face the grief and mourning that comes with losing a beloved companion.