business managerDo you want to advance in your career even in these tight economic times? The ideal candidate should be great at training, managing and mentoring staff, as well as fully capable of making all aspects of the business run more efficiently from marketing and sales to finance and IT. Interpersonal skills and leadership capability are paramount, as great teamwork is vital to our success.

The truly successful manager shines out like a beacon, commands respect without demanding it; leads by example and is concerned that their staff are happy; confident in the knowledge that if they support their staff they will have 100% loyalty and support.

I have been looking for a system to track my translation projects and my invoices for a long time and I never found one that was clear, intelligent, and streamlined enough and would work without much messing about, but then I found SDL Trados Business Manager.

If you want to get access to a client’s Business Manager to work on their pages and accounts, you can have your business added as a partner (instead of assigning access to people individually) or add the other business as a partner to your Business manager

Too many managers play on the weaknesses of those who depend upon them, instead of supporting and helping their staff achieve, they are anxious themselves, out of their depth and in trying to hide the fact only draw attention to their own ineptitude.