General Business Administration
While you’re learning the fundamentals of business administration, you’ll also explore a diverse curriculum that nurtures critical thinking skills, encourages teamwork and builds your writing abilities. Undergraduate students may drop courses using through the end of the second week of classes for fall and spring semesters, the first Wednesday of Summer Session 1, or the first Friday of Summer Session 2. During weeks 3 through 10 of the fall and spring semesters (first Thursday through the second Wednesday of Summer Session 1 or weeks 2 through 5 of Summer Session 2), students may drop courses with the permission of their major college.
Whether you need to become a master at a certain aspect of decoration, or you need help refining your business model, or you need to network with other business owners, meet employees or employers, or just take a refresher course on the latest trends in the industry, then there are cake decoration classes for you.
While this subject is quite complex and will require further research and education, this brief and free (if used during your first month of Skillshare membership) online business course will help you better optimize and drive organic traffic to your website.
Learn the skills required to run a company from the perspective of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO): financial planning and analysis, financial modeling, debt and equity issues, valuation, mergers and acquisitions, risk management, financial reporting and analysis, and taxation.
In just 8-10 hours, each Diploma course delivers a clear run-through of an important subject, whether it’s how to design a website or essential management skills With this extensive training on your side, you can add something impressive to your résumé and give your professional confidence a real boost.