Cloud Analytics
Business intelligence or BI refers to skills, processes, technologies, applications and practices used to support business decision-making. Therefore some metrics are: environmental appearance, complaint management, employee empathy, product expertise, and responsiveness, customer acquisition, demographic analysis applying to become customer, turnover by segment, bad debts, profitability by segment.
The specialisation in Business Intelligence gives you the skills to fill positions in market research and customer relationship management, as quality manager, positions focusing on human resource management, and positions focusing on strategic market orientation, among others.
Because the tools are typically fairly simple, using BI as a big data front end enables a broad number of potential users to get involved rather than the typical approach of highly specialized data architects being the only ones with visibility into data.
BI programs typically incorporate forms of advanced analytics, such as data mining , predictive analytics , text mining , statistical analysis and big data analytics In many cases, though, advanced analytics projects are conducted and managed by separate teams of data scientists , statisticians, predictive modelers and other skilled analytics professionals, while BI teams oversee more straightforward querying and analysis of business data.
Effective root cause analysis of customer feedback relies on the organization collecting the relevant data to ensure meaningful insights can be extracted from it. Therefore the feedback provided must be recorded effectively and analyzed promptly to implement corrective actions.