business developmentWe are currently looking for a Business Development to join our dynamic and fast growing organization. Business developers help the company to become as successful as it can be. They rely on knowledge, theory and hands-on experience to help businesses to grow As well they evaluate the current performance of the business and find ways to help the business reach its full potential.

Regardless of the position level, good written and oral communication skills are also non-negotiable for business development professionals, since much of their responsibilities involve engaging the market and industry players, not to mention formulate business strategic plans.

If you hope to cultivate strong relationships with prospects and customers alike, having strong communication and people skills—like the ability to lead a friendly negotiation from start to finish so that the new customers you bring on are pleased with their decision, is crucial.

From the birth of firms through incubators and seed accelerators, to boosting growth for small and medium firms by means of second stage business accelerators, to advising corporate giants through management consulting firms, business development constitute an important element any phase of the company life development

A business development director also leads sales and client-relationship management, tracks new markets and emerging trends, recommends new products and services, proposes and develops new strategic partnerships, writes proposals and plans, and guides long-term objectives to meet business needs and requirements.